Mobile devices have evolved dramatically over the past decade. They have grown from cellphones that could just make calls to full-fledged computers capable of doing nearly
everything a desktop computer can. With them, u sers can find information on a variety of levels, ranging from social networks to corpor:ate data and e-mail. Coupled with the evolution
of high-speed data networks, mobile devices essential in an increasingly connected world.
In addition, mobile devices have become multifunctional. They represent the device convergence that began at the start of the 2ht century. No longer do u sers need to carry a phone, mlLsic player, and digital camera. Today's mobile devices can perform all the.o;e tasks and more wilth ease. Most mobile devices are also "location-aware" meaning they use the global positioning system (GPS) to determine where they are in the world. As a developer, you have access to all these features , then you create applications.